It was time to retire the old book covers, though I still like the look in their eyes!
I’ve been designing covers for other authors and decided it was time to give some attention to my original trilogy. Using photos I took while chasing storms and a couple of smaller licensed elements, as well as the magic of Photoshop, I created illustrations for the covers that I hope will convey the excitement I still feel when I think about these stories.
I like romance in my adventures and interesting characters who grow (it takes Jack three books to complete the journey from cad to hero). I love action and, of course, the thrill of seeing a supercell come together and produce a tornado. Add elements of a science thriller and some kick-ass women as heroines, and you have the Storm Seekers Series. The first three books are also available in a virtual boxed set. I say “the first three” because I am contemplating more. In the meantime, I’ve been writing romances under a pen name. More on those later.
The new covers are percolating through the online bookstores.
Want to chase some storms? Check out the books on Amazon or learn more and get links to other stores here.