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Caption information for author photos: Writer, photographer and storm chaser Chris Kridler, author of the novels “Funnel Vision,” “Tornado Pinball” and “Zap Bang.”
Select storm photography available by request. | Book information | Interview
Videos on YouTube available for embedding:
FUNNEL VISION book trailer | TORNADO PINBALL book trailer | ZAP BANG book trailer | Storm video on YouTube
Photos of Chris Kridler, the Storm Seekers Series, and movie posters
ZAP BANG back cover/boxed set front cover illustration (inquire for high resolution)
lo-res/web 400×600

Chris Kridler is a writer, editor, photographer and storm chaser. As the owner of Sky Diary Productions, she works with other authors as an editor and book cover designer. She is the author of Funnel Vision, Tornado Pinball and Zap Bang, storm-chasing adventure novels in the Storm Seekers Series. She also writes romances and mysteries as Lucy Lakestone. As a journalist, she’s covered a variety of topics, from space to lifestyles, and was a longtime columnist for Florida Today. Chris’s photographs have appeared in several magazines and books, including the covers of The Journal of Meteorology, the book Winderful, and the Wallace and Hobbs Atmospheric Science textbook. She was featured in Popular Photography. Her short film “Chasing Reality” won the best documentary award at the Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival in Florida in 2011; she won best animation in 2013 with “The Chase.” She has been interviewed in various media about her storm-chasing adventures. Learn more at SEE LONGER BIO