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Storm-chasing adventures

Check out the Storm Seekers Series for storm-chasing adventures with action, drama, humor and romance.

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Storm chasing

Check out the new home on this site for my 25 years of Sky Diary storm chasing reports, including photos and pages on tornadoes and more for kids.

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Cocoa, Florida, lightning by Chris Kridler
Take a tour of some of my favorite storm photography.

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Video on YouTube

See video of storms, events, book trailers and more on my YouTube channel.

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Storm Stuff Store

Visit the shop for T-shirts and other apparel, stickers, mugs and more featuring storm chasing and weather weenie designs.

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Latest blog posts

Twister, Twisters, and the Storm Seekers Series

My road through publishing has been twisted since Funnel Vision, Tornado Pinball and Zap Bang. How can writers choose their happiest path? The release of Twisters this summer has me thinking a lot about fictional accounts of storm chasing—and my own writing. I’m a storm chaser, and I took the movie for what it was: …

23 May 2024: Stunning shape-shifting Oklahoma tornado

We started May 23 with casual optimism about our chase prospects. The fun part was that Alethea Kontis and I were storm chasing with Jason Persoff and Dave Lewison (Bill Hark had ended up elsewhere the previous day, but he would get great close-up views of what was to come). And we were chasing dryline …

I have extensive archives from my early storm chasing years. I chronicled almost every day on the road, even bust days, at the old SkyDiary site, with lots of photos. In the interest of collecting everything in one place, I’m moving edited journals and highlights of the older chases to, with select photos to …




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