Funnel Vision – a storm chasing adventure novel

Storm Seekers Book 1: ‘Funnel Vision’ by Chris Kridler

‘Funnel Vision,’ a storm-chasing adventure novel by Chris Kridler (Storm Seekers, Book 1)

Publisher: Sky Diary Productions
Literature > Adventure
ISBN-10: 0-9849139-0-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-9849139-0-9
List price: $4.99 ebook
$14.95 trade paperback


Amazon: Kindle edition | Paperback
Barnes & Noble: Paperback & Nook editions
Apple Books | IndieBound | Kobo | Google Play


As tornado chasers,
their only refuge is the storm …

Kansas photographer Judy Hale loves to chase storms, but at the heart of her passion is a fear she longs to quell, born of the tornado that destroyed her childhood. Devil-may-care tornado researcher Jack Andreas wants nothing better than to forget the past in his dangerously close encounters with twisters. After meeting on a chase, Judy and Jack have dueling destinies as they cross paths with Judy’s flirty sister Shannon; clueless storm-tour operator Brad Treat; geeky, likable chaser Robinson Marvell; and a bevy of other storm chasers pursuing the gorgeous, violent storms of Tornado Alley. Their stories intertwine as they chase the monster storm that forces Judy to confront her deepest fears and Jack to find the courage to face the ultimate twister. With action, humor, romance and rapturous skies, FUNNEL VISION takes you into the heart of Tornado Alley — and the hearts and minds of the adventurers who populate the nomadic, exhilarating world of storm chasing.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “Chris Kridler has written a book that makes every reader feel as if they are standing on the side of the road experiencing the full effect of Mother Nature.” – Mary J. Gramlich, “The Reading Reviewer”

“This book … certainly packs a lot in and has something for everyone: a great leading lady, a truly dislikeable guy, the science of tornados, the thrill of storm chasing as well as romance, humour and adventure – not as lethal a combination as a real tornado but as close as most of us would like to get!” – Rachel Abbott, bestselling author of “Only the Innocent,” for The Kindle Book Review

“Kridler knew she had to appeal to insiders and outsiders — to be both inclusive and exclusive enough to please die-hard storm chasers and the safety-loving laity. She pulls this off adroitly and also manages to fit the book into several genres — romance, thriller, suspense, high literature, satire, social commentary, specialist fiction, and an old fashioned, cracking good page-turner.” [MORE …] – The Beachside Resident

“… the book is incredibly well written, started right out of the gate and had generally likable characters. … I loved the scenes where the author described the storms.” – Naomi Blackburn, A Book and a Review


“a fun, fast-paced book, filled with heart-thumping storm-chasing scenes”

“an exciting novel that transports the reader into the storm chasing world”

“Ms. Kridler’s writing, filled with scientific precision, opens your eyes to the passion of the far horizon and the monster that may be lurking beyond it.”

“a great read that combines fast-paced storm action scenes with nuanced romantic suspense”

“‘Funnel Vision’ serves up memorable characters in collision, but its real star is the elemental violence waiting for them all at the end of the line…”

“If you have ever imagined going storm chasing in the Great Plains, ‘Funnel Vision’ is a must read!”

“… this isn’t just a storm chase book – it is a great adventure, with a romance woven through it. Whether you are an experienced storm chaser, an adventure fan, or a romance fan, check it out. You won’t be sorry.”

“This book is one I’ll be rereading for years because of the cast of risk-takers and the beautifully written descriptions of middle America and the storms that terrorize the plains … Just as Judy finds her future, author and storm chaser Chris Kridler has found hers in her irrefutable skill as a writer.”