Sky Diary Storm Chasing

Chris Kridler's Sky Diary: storm-chasing adventures and rainy-day tales



Welcome to Sky Diary!

Chris Kridler’s storm chasing site is here, with photos, chase reports, kids’ pages and more

Welcome! Sky Diary’s home is now here on my official site, (the main menu is above in case you’re looking for the Chris Kridler home page, author services, books and more). I started chasing storms in 1997 and soon after that developed a website, first on America Online and then on the web. After building Sky Diary for more than twenty years in HTML, it became a bit creaky. I’m capturing the best of and transferring it to this site for a more reader-friendly experience. See the latest chase reports here on the blog and in the new index of storm chasing reports from recent years (continually updated as I add more of the archives). Stay tuned for updates.

Alethea and Chris pose in front of a supercell at Colby, Kansas, in 2021. Photo by William T. Hark,


Storm Chasing 2024

Cow is our loyal companion on the road.

Alethea Kontis and I went to Tornado Alley in May of 2024 and, in spite of hitting a lull in a very active season, not only photographed the Northern Lights but caught several spectacular storms. I’m catching up on posting images in the blog; time’s been limited as my attention has been diverted to writing books under my pen name. That said, you can see all the storm chasing posts from this and previous years in the blog (with the exception of some very old posts I’m still moving to this site as time allows). You can read about our adventures here and on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube (please subscribe!). Thanks for all the fantastic support of our gas fund in 2024!



Recent posts on skies and storm chasing

23 May 2024: Stunning shape-shifting Oklahoma tornado

We started May 23 with casual optimism about our chase prospects. The fun part was that Alethea Kontis and I were storm chasing with Jason Persoff and Dave Lewison (Bill Hark had ended up elsewhere the previous day, but he would get great close-up views of what was to come). And we were chasing dryline storms, which I enjoy. I can’t say our expectations …

19 May 2024: Dramatic Oklahoma tornadic supercell – a real mothership!

May 19 produced the storm we’d been waiting for the whole trip, the best storm so far — though another even more extraordinary one would come later. And it was a great day even if we didn’t see — really see — the tornado. More on that in a minute.   We figured storms would fire in the eastern Panhandle of Texas, which they …

16 May 2024: Dreamy south Texas storms offer beautiful moments

The thing about “chasing scraps,” as we call it when there isn’t a really promising forecast for supercells, is that it can wear you out. That’s partly because of all the driving – if you’re ambitious, you go wherever there’s a chance of storms.   So after a couple of days of photographing beautiful places like the South Dakota Badlands and Monument Rocks in …

May 8-9, 2024: Storm chasing in circles in Texas

As the video title says, sometimes storm chasing isn’t pretty. Stuff happens. You lose cellular data. You get out of position. You get more out of position when the road turns into a one-way construction zone where a guy with a portable stop sign holds you hostage for twenty minutes while you wait for a pilot car. Add in murky skies, sight-blocking hills and …

7 May 2024: Storm chasing detour to the Wichita Mountains

The Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Oklahoma is one of my favorite stops when we have a break during storm chasing. To have a break on the second day of chasing didn’t bode all that well, but who cares? Prairie dogs always cheer me up. So I was really sad to hear that my favorite prairie dog colony had vanished. (See the …




Some of my favorite chases

Chase 2016: Incredible 20th year

My Tornado Alley chase was incredible in 2016, with many tornadoes and photogenic storms. 

2016: Katie-Wynnewood, Oklahoma, tornado

May 9, 2016: Entire life cycle of violent EF4 tornado

2005: Texas hail and tornado

May 12, 2005: Giant hail batters chase vehicles after large tornado near South Plains, Texas

2004: Attica, Kansas, tornadoes

May 12, 2004, Attica, Kansas, tornadoes




Visit Sky Diary’s Kidstorm – weather facts and fun for kids



Storm-chasing adventures

Check out the Storm Seekers Series for storm-chasing adventures with action, drama, humor and romance.

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Storm photography

Cocoa, Florida, lightning by Chris Kridler
Check out photography of tornadoes, lightning, supercells and more.

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Storm Stuff Store

Visit the shop for T-shirts and other apparel, stickers, mugs and more featuring storm chasing and weather weenie designs.

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