“A Bridge Too Far” – Tornado at Canadian, Texas, May 27, 2015. Photo by Chris Kridler, ChrisKridler.com. Now available at Stolen Butter gallery.
Announcement! Here’s the short version: I’m thrilled to be among the debut artists in a brand-new online gallery, Stolen Butter, a labor of love created by my talented friend and photographer Rachael Thompson and her husband, Victor, in California. Need exclusive art for your walls? Get 10% off any purchases made by Aug. 31, 2022. Use code: FAM10 at StolenButter.com.
The long story: I’ve always sought new ways to share my photography. I used to do occasional weekend art shows. These days, digital dominates, but a quick look on Facebook doesn’t compare to the experience of seeing a gorgeous print on the wall.
Business-wise, the assumption increasingly is that photographers should give away their work; while stock is a respectable venue, I found that losing all control of my images and being paid pennies for them (even when they appeared in major outlets like The New York Times) wasn’t for me. I’ve recently exited my stock agreement for several reasons, from delays in payment to seeing my work used in unpleasantly surprising ways.
What we do as storm chasers is extremely specialized, technical, expensive, and hazardous. The photographs we produce are art. As a photographer, I’ve moved more toward artistic expression and away from stark documentation. So I was thrilled when Rachael contacted me about joining the gallery.
I hope you’ll take a look (and subscribe to get notices of additions to the gallery, artist spotlights and more). I have more collections planned, including lightning and rocket launches. In the meantime, you can browse some of my favorite storm images here.
Thanks for your support!